As the world becomes less and less predictable, insurance companies are becoming tougher on claims. As a policyholder, you are surely counting on your insurance provider to come through and deliver what is owed to you when the time comes that you need to make a claim. Now, what if your claim ultimately gets rejected?
In this article, we’re going to look at the possible course of action you can take if your insurance claim is rejected.
Step One: Review Your Policy
The first thing you should do before every interaction with your insurer is to review the terms of your
insurance policy. These terms are usually found on the “declarations page” or the “policy summary."
With this in hand, you should be able to answer all of the important questions. For example, what is covered by your policy? How do you make a successful claim?
Understanding precisely the agreement that you have made with your insurance company is your priority. Without understanding your entitlements, or the legal implications of how your policy document is phrased, your insurer will immediately be in a stronger position to hand out a rejection notice.
Review your policy thoroughly after your claim is rejected and determine if your insurer has valid grounds not to honor your claim.
Step Two: Look Over Your Rejection Notice
Similarly, your rejection notice should give you a clue as to what issue your insurance company had taken with your claim. In this letter, the insurer will have highlighted exactly why they have refused you. It may be an apparent issue with coverage, or it could be that they have deemed some of the evidence you provided to be unacceptable for whatever reason.
The details written in this letter are crucial because they will tell you if the insurance provider caught you out on a technicality. Likewise, if an insurer is trying to get you to accept a lower claim than you feel you’re entitled to, look over their offer with a careful eye, as there may be something you’ve missed when you first read the notice.
Even better, you could contact a lawyer who specializes in insurance law. They will be best-equipped to interpret the response you got from your insurer.
Step Three: Collect Evidence and Documentation
An important part of appealing any claim is making sure you have sufficient evidence to back up your appeal. This means finding receipts for damaged items, taking photographs of the damage, as well as highlighting the relevant parts of your policy, as needed.
Some insurers have legal hotlines where you can call and request more information about your specific situation, so check your documents and your insurer’s website to see if this is the case. Doing this may give you a better idea of what kind of evidence and documentation you should present when lobbying for your claim.
Step Four: Contact a Public Adjuster
Many people don’t know that they can use a public adjuster to help them maximize their take-home claim amount. A
public adjuster is a kind of lawyer who can help homeowners assess the full extent of damage to their property before assisting clients during negotiations with their insurers.
Additionally, a public adjuster can clarify the legal implications of your policy documents and make sure that you, as a policyholder, are aware of your full entitlements under local and state laws. Finally, when push comes to shove, public adjusters can also advise you on appealing your rejected claim successfully.
Get Insurance Adjustment Services Today
If you’re dealing with a claim and are having trouble negotiating for you and your family, contact our team at TSO Public Insurance Adjusters. With over 25 years of experience serving the Philadelphia area, we pride ourselves on being timely and professional when dealing with our clients’ insurance concerns.
We know that dealing with property damage, theft, or even fire is devastating enough without the compounded hassle of a rejected insurance claim. Luckily, our experienced team of experts has seen every kind of scenario and knows how to get you the best deal from your settlement.
To book our services, call (215) 886-7440 or visit
our website for more information regarding our services.